Specialized mental health center opens in Kansas City to serve the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community

[November 15, 2013, Jefferson City, MO] The Department of Mental Health and Truman Medical Center (TMC) announce the opening of a specialized outpatient center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) individuals on Friday, November 15, 2013. This is part of a state-wide mental health treatment program for D/HH individuals in need of outpatient services.

To provide improved services to the D/HH community, the staff at TMC has gone through extensive training on Deaf culture, American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf mental health services. The center recognizes the unique aspects of Deaf culture and provides a culturally affirmative and sensitive treatment environment that stresses the importance of ASL as the medium of communication. The center will offer comprehensive mental health services to individuals in Kansas City, in person, as well as offer therapy services statewide by Tele-health. The staff will also provide consultation to any state contracted agency serving Deaf individuals.

Jennifer McKinney, Deaf Services Therapist says: “At Truman Medical Center Behavioral Health, Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing individuals receive accessible and culturally-sensitive mental health care, whether it is individual therapy with a signing therapist, or case management and psychiatry services provided with sign language interpreters and by clinicians who have undergone training in working with deaf clients.”

For additional information about the center opening contact Jennifer McKinney at TMC at 816-527-8274.

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